Thursday, November 28, 2013

My First Day at Pt England School

So my first day at school my mum brought me and my little sister to school together. By the look at my mum face she looks happy.So I know I going to start school now.a teacher from the offers  took me and my sister to class.

When I walk in  the classroom everyone started to look at me and den Mrs King said sit down with the rest of the class.  

When it was morning tea boys from my class came and ask me can i come and played touch with them.

Friday, November 22, 2013

My MihiMihi

Kia ora koutou
Greetings to you all

kua hui mai nei
(who) have arrived here

ki tenei kura
to this house

ki te kawe mai
to greet

te aroha
the Good thoughts

Ka nuite rekareka
Great isthe sorrow

mo to koutou manawanui
for your interest commitment

ki te hapai
to discuss

inga mahi
the discussions

e pa ana ki tenei kura po
concerningthis gathering